Monday, January 21, 2008

A Reflection on Black Heroes

Since it is Martin Luther King Jr.'s holiday (even though his birthday is the 15th , but hey, better late than never, right?) I thought I would take this time to briefly break down some of the black characters who were created during and after Dr. King's life had ended.

Luke Cage

-First appeared in Heroes for Hire #1 (1972)

-Created during the Blaxploitation era he was total badass.

-Yet his first uniform made him look like steroid popping Miss America contestant with his tiara and yellow muscle shirt.

-I don't think anybody in Harlem was actually afraid of him. Hey sunshine come and give me a hug. Here's the original Luke... Retro Luke

-He was later revamped, to this...The New Luke

-He then went on to do what any brother from the hood would do after becoming a famous Avenger, marry a white woman and have a baby that may possibly be alien.

-If you want the rest of his story jump this way... Luke Cage

Updates this afternoon....

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