As you have noticed by the double covers, this is a double review of X-Factor (Peter David) and X-Force (Craig Kyle and Christ Yost). Now you may be asking yourself why or maybe not and you want me to just get to the point and I say fine.
I'll start with X-Factor because, in my opinion, it leads into X-Force. So here goes, this issue has a ton of plot; Madrox, exhibiting the futuristic mutant tatoo on his eye and still visibly bothered by this and the dark future he saw, attacks the purifiers, Siryn reveals to M she's pregnant, and Rictor questions the newfound segregation of Mutantown. However, all of these promising plots get lost as most of this issue is devoted to Wolfsbane revealing to half of the the team that she is leaving. This issue just displayed how fractured the X-Factor team and their town has become since House of M,Messiah Complex, and Layla's disappearance. This issue was average in what has been a pretty good run of series and I truly believe that the next issue will pickup the plots that were touched on in this issue.
X-Force is back and violent with a capital V. This plot is pretty simple Cyclops assembles a covert operations team to take down the mutant hate/terrorist group, the Purifiers and their leader, Reverend Matt Risman. The team is comprised of Warpath, X-23, Wolfsbane (yea, she left X-Factor to join this team), and the over used Wolverine. For some odd reason Wolverine, a killer, doesn't want the other people on this crew killing people. This reeks of hypocrisy from this dude, so I kind of laughed when he got emotional (or what passes for emotional with Wolverine) and punched Cyclops, erasing the emo moment I had with the character. Enough of my let it out moment, because this book came with a parental advisory and it doesn't disappoint. Three words can describe this first issue; blood, bullets, and death. I was wondering if this book would have a plot and it appears it will with the return of a certain X-men big bad so there is plenty of potential for this book.
X-Factor #28
Writing- 3 out of 5
Art- 4 out of 5
Overall- 3.5 out of 5
X-Force #1
Writing-3.5 out of 5
Art-4.5 out 5
Overall-4 out of 5
X-Force #1
Writing-3.5 out of 5
Art-4.5 out 5
Overall-4 out of 5
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