Monday, June 30, 2008
Day 2-Comics Find Me
Even when I'm avoiding comic books they find a way to weasel themselves into my life. I could use that cliched quote about being pulled back in but come on, in some way, shape, or form comic book culture has intertwined intself into the fabric of mainstream pop culture. Well I'm sore from my always hard run of ultimate frisbee in the park so i'll explain my point about comics and pop culture tomorrow.
Broke and Back
So, I came up with this bright idea that I should just go cold turkey off the (comic)junk until I get a job. Which means, no comic websites or blogs, cutting off The Penrod when he starts rambling about D.C., no more kick ass reviews and no more visiting my local comic book shop (sigh). Going to the shop to look at books would be a bigger tease than some of my ex girlfriends (Ba Zing!). But seriously folks, wiping comic books from, as it stands right now, my pathetic life truly is disappointing as Secret Invasion, The Death of Batman, X-Force, and the Hulk were growing in plot.
However, before I get out of here The Penrod did inform me that Mike Turner died from his long bout with cancer, my condolences to his family and fans, as we've truly lost one of the greats in the industry of comic books.
My ban on comics doesn't reach to the cinema as I have already seen Iron Man (kick-ass) and the Hulk (still to unrealistic with the graphics, but a better story). Batman in July is next on the agenda for filling my fix, I'm freaking stoked for Heath's Joker.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
First Release 4 March
Amazing Spider-Man #552
Amazing Spider-Man #552 (1 in 20) Granov Incentive Cover
Anita Blake Guilty Pleasures #9
Anita Blake Guilty Pleasures #9 (1 in 10) Booth Incentive Cover
Cable #1
Cable #1 (1 in 20) Liefeld Incentive Cover
Clandestine #2
Dark Tower Long Road Home #1
Dark Tower Long Road Home #1 (1 in 25) Deodato Incentive
Dark Tower Long Road Home #1 (1 in 75) Lee Sketch Incentive
Logan #1
Logan #1 B&W Edition
Lords of Avalon #2
Marvel Spotlight Hamilton Martin
Moon Knight #16
Omega Unknown #6
Penance Relentless #5
Powers #28
Punisher War Journal #17
Twelve #3
Uncanny X-Men #496
X-Force #2
X-Force #2 Bloody Edition
All New Atom #21
Countdown Lord Havok & the Extremists #5
Countdown to Adventure #7
Countdown to Final Crisis #8
DC Special Raven #1
Detective Comics #842
Green Lantern #28
Infinity Inc #7
Jonah Hex #29
Justice League New Frontier Special
Nightwing #142
Supergirl #27
Teen Titans Year One vol. 3
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Mini Reviews!!
The Mighty Avengers #9
Its the Mighty Avengers vs. Dr. Doom in this issue as the Avengers launch an attack on Castle Von Doom after its revealed that he released the Venom virus. Since the Civil War ended, most heroes have registered and are now either working for a team in each of the fifty states or is a Mighty Avenger. The idea of this book was to show what its like working for the government after registration and even though this story has dragged at times, I think its succeeded in doing so.
Brian Michael Bendis continues to write this story as most of this issue revolves around the team taking down Doom's sentries and bringing Doom to justice. There are six-pages of this book are dedicated to pure action and zero dialogue. Which is fine with me, because since issue one the book has been more about bringing together this new team, Ms. Marvel and her leadership skills with this new team, and how Shield and the Government regulate the heroes. So this story is a welcome change.
However, this Doom arc, is nothing but a ploy to keep people entertained until its Secret Invasion time. The story is also predictable because after reading the first two pages I immediately knew where this issue was going to end. The only reason I could really recommend this book is because Marko Djurdjevic makes a guest appearance, taking the helm for two pages, bringing his concept art into the fold as Dr. Doom visits a beautiful and (half) naked sorceress. This is a book you can probably avoid until a Skrull pops out of a hole or they let the New Avengers go.... again.
Marvel's Feeble Attempt To Run Wolverine Into the Ground. [Update]
Now, I'm one of the many fans who's looking forward to Marvel's big event, but Wolverine, as a Skrull.....Who knows....[Marvel]
Wolverine isn't a Skrull and clearly Marvels' trying to make readers paranoid with these pics and it's kinda working. Whenever i'm reading a marvel book I'm wondering about each hero and their intentions.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Release list for Final Week
Black Panther Annual #1
Captain America #35
Criminal 2 #1
Daredevil #105
House of M Avengers #5
Kick-Ass #1
Kick-Ass #1 (1 in 10) McNiven Incentive Cover
Kick-Ass #1 (1 in 25) JRJR Incentive Cover
Marvel Illustrated Picture of Dorian Gray #3
Marvel Zombies 2 #5
New Exiles #0
New Exiles #1 (2nd Print)
New Warriors #9
Punisher #51
She Hulk #26
Spider-Man With Great Power #2
Thor #6
Thunderbolts International Incident
Twelve #1 (2nd Print)
Ultimate Fantastic Four #51
Ultimate Spider-Man #119
WWH Aftersmash Damage Control #2
X-Men First Class vol. 2 #9
X-Men Legacy #208
Young Avengers Presents #2
Action Comics #862
Action Comics #862 (1 in 10) Incentive Cover
All Star Batman & Robin # 9
All Star Batman & Robin #9 (1 in 10) Incentive Cover
Batman #674
Blue Beetle #24
Countdown to Final Crisis #9
Crime Bible 5 Lessons of Blood #5
JLA Classified #53
JSA Classified #35
Justice Society of America #13
Justice Society of America #13 (1 in 10) Incentive Cover
Legion of Super Heroes #39
Teen Titans #56
Uncle Sam & Freedom Fighters #6
Runaways Review!!! Finally!!!
Runaways, a book I've been waiting for this book for what seems like a year, but its really been a few months. Now I've been looking for a reason to get on writer Joss Wheedon's case for the lengthy delay of this book. But, once again, I have nothing but hugs and hand pounds to pass around.
Now before I review I had to go way back into the stacks and find the damn back issues of this book because I pretty much had forgotten most of the plot past the point of the kids getting stuck in the past. So the Runaways were contracted by the Kingpin to steal something of significant importance, which turns out to be a time machine, things go crazy and boom!!! The group is back in 1907 with the time machine busted. They end up meeting people who have superpowers and classify themselves as wonders. Now the plot gets a little more complicated when they story breaks down into three 'wonders' groups; The Street Arabs, none are Arab, but all are kids or teens like the Runaways, The City's Protectors, claim to protect the city, and the Sinners, stating the obvious, bad dudes. Then the book throws in another curve as it's revealed that the time traveling parents of deceased Runaway, Gertrude Yorkes, are leading the Sinners.
To wrap this in a pretty bow and bring us back to the current part of the story. These three groups aren't holding hands and doing whatever friendly things you do in 1907 and a gang war breaks out as most of the Runaways have come back together. While most of the group is looking for a way back to the present their leader, Nico is being held captive and tortured by her great grandmother, a powerful sorceress for the Protectors. This encounter happens only to make Nico stronger as the grandmother knows she is weak by sorcery standards. While Nico is tortured/stronger, the group attempts to escape from the ensuing melee but, the Yorkes plan is revealed as they plant a bomb in a middle if the square where the fight is going down. This may lead to the Runaways meeting the plotting parents of Gertrude.
Even though it took this book almost three months two come, it was well worth the wait. The story still has that young, light-hearted, teenage feel to it, while still being able to turn it up a notch with the action and suspense. The art was a nice mixture of serious and cartoonist blending well with the teenagers story. Micheal Ryan's art throughout the series has been well done. Hopefully this book ships sooner because this has been a good story and it only looks to be getting better.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Movie News
Origin's film adds more mutants. [Variety]
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
X-Reviews!!!! (X-Factor & X-Force)
As you have noticed by the double covers, this is a double review of X-Factor (Peter David) and X-Force (Craig Kyle and Christ Yost). Now you may be asking yourself why or maybe not and you want me to just get to the point and I say fine.
I'll start with X-Factor because, in my opinion, it leads into X-Force. So here goes, this issue has a ton of plot; Madrox, exhibiting the futuristic mutant tatoo on his eye and still visibly bothered by this and the dark future he saw, attacks the purifiers, Siryn reveals to M she's pregnant, and Rictor questions the newfound segregation of Mutantown. However, all of these promising plots get lost as most of this issue is devoted to Wolfsbane revealing to half of the the team that she is leaving. This issue just displayed how fractured the X-Factor team and their town has become since House of M,Messiah Complex, and Layla's disappearance. This issue was average in what has been a pretty good run of series and I truly believe that the next issue will pickup the plots that were touched on in this issue.
X-Force is back and violent with a capital V. This plot is pretty simple Cyclops assembles a covert operations team to take down the mutant hate/terrorist group, the Purifiers and their leader, Reverend Matt Risman. The team is comprised of Warpath, X-23, Wolfsbane (yea, she left X-Factor to join this team), and the over used Wolverine. For some odd reason Wolverine, a killer, doesn't want the other people on this crew killing people. This reeks of hypocrisy from this dude, so I kind of laughed when he got emotional (or what passes for emotional with Wolverine) and punched Cyclops, erasing the emo moment I had with the character. Enough of my let it out moment, because this book came with a parental advisory and it doesn't disappoint. Three words can describe this first issue; blood, bullets, and death. I was wondering if this book would have a plot and it appears it will with the return of a certain X-men big bad so there is plenty of potential for this book.
X-Factor #28
Writing- 3 out of 5
Art- 4 out of 5
X-Force #1
Writing-3.5 out of 5
Art-4.5 out 5
Overall-4 out of 5
This Week's Solicitation
Amazing Spider-Man #551
Avengers Classic #9
Cable Deadpool #50
Hulk #2
Hulk #2 (1 in 20) Djurdjevic Incentive Cover
Immortal Iron Fist Orson Randall
Incredible Hercules #114
Incredible Hercules #114 (1 in 15) Acuna Incentive Cover
Iron Man #26
Marvel Illustrated Iliad #3
Mighty Avengers #9
The Order #8
Runaways #29
Terror Inc. #5
Ultimate Human #2
Ultimate X-Men #91
Ultimates 3 #3
Ultimates 3 #3 (1 in 20) Cho Cover
Wolverine Origins #22
WWH Aftersmash Warbound #3
Batman & the Outsiders #4
Batman Confidential #13
Birds of Prey #115
Brave & The Bold #10
Catwoman #76
Checkmate #23
Countdown to Final Crisis #10
Death of the New Gods #6
Flash #237
Justice League of America #18
Robin #171
Shadowpact #22
Spirit #14
Superman Batman #46
Superman Confidential #12
Wonder Girl #6
Angel After the Fall #4
Angel After the Fall #4 (1 in 4) Cover
Angel After the Fall #4 (1 in 10) Urru Incentive Cover
Angel After the Fall #4 (1 in 20) Virgin Incentive Cover
Monday, February 18, 2008
Spidey Makes Devilish Deal and goes Number 1!!
The Amazing Spider-man: #546 Brand New Day and Hulk #1, took first and second in Diamonds monthly sales charts and four of the five top selling books were also of the Marvel variety. I knew Spidey would be up in the five, but not number one, considering, I still see #546 on the shelf in my local shop and I'm still waiting to get my hands on the reprint of Hulk's new book. But, hey one point for EIC Joe Quesada!
Marvel and DC like it on top........[Newsarama]
Yes the Hulk is red......[USA Today]
Joss Whedon awesomeness allows him to write (Runaways #29 preview) when he wants...[Marvel]
Friday, February 15, 2008
The New Avengers Review
I have to hand to the folks over at Marvel because they have just been churning out books for The New Avengers and none have been a disappointment, minus the odd purple art in that second annual. However, I'm a forgiving man who can overlook questionable art techniques , but enough about my purple problem as I am a fan of the Artist Formally Known as Prince. Considering my fondness of music by men who dress up in clothes that make them look like human popsicles and comic book artwork have nothing to do with one another let's jump into this review.
This issue picks up right where the second annual left off, with Jessica Jones taking her baby and joining The Mighty Avengers and registering with the Initiative program. As you can see from this cover Jones was married to Luke Cage, who also fathered the child she ran off with. Also the Avengers move into a new apartment owned by Iron Fist, but that's all you need to know about the rest of the team because this issue was solely about Jessica and Luke breaking up.
I'll willingly admit that I cannot stand word heavy issues, but this issue hit close to home. I was raised in a single family home as my parents separated when I was very young. Even though they didn't separate out of the fear that I would be attacked by super villains and shape shifting Skrulls who can't be detected, which would have been a cooler reason, but I digress. Brian Michael Bendis brilliantly scripted this issue as Luke Cage sees everything crashing around him in the wake of constant attacks by the Hood and the ongoing hints of a Skrull invasion, Jessica wants him to join her, the baby, and the Mighty Avengers. This would mean Luke giving up everything he stands for when it comes to taking a stand against the fifty state initiative and registering heroes secret identities. The art and dialogue in this issue meld together as you can feel the desire both characters have for their separate beliefs, but just when you think its all about the breakup Bendis shifts gears back to the impending invasion and the sudden delusions of Skrulls in Stark tower return as Luke asks Jessica an interesting question about why she came back......During Civil War Jessica was supposed to take the baby and flee to Canada, but she came back after Captain America died......
This issue only left me with more questions about Skrulls and feeling sorry for Luke Cage, because not only is he without his wife and child but the Avengers are in an utter state of confusion and their still fugitives. If X-Factor and X-Force hadn't tied for my books of the week this one would have gotten the nod. Every Avengers issue has been one twist or surprise after another and if you can get past the extensive dialogue I recommend this book.
The New Avengers #38
Writing-4 out of 5
Art-4 out of 5
Overall- 4 out of 5
Random thoughts from this issue that had no bearing on the review.... Spider-Man is back in his old uniform, and he still takes of his mask around the Avengers (take that Brand New Day). Is it me or is Wolverine in too many damn books? All I'm saying is that Marvel is extending the character into too many stories and at some point people aren't going to be interested in him (other than die-hard fanboys and girls) anymore.
Excelsior Bitches!!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Skrull Guess Who!!
Why is He a Skrull?
Cobalt Man-Revealed in Captain Marvel #3
Ok, now I've considered picking up the Mar-vell series and considering my intrigue in the impending invasion I may pick it up, but considering his only lines of dialogue and action came in Civil War #1 right before Stamford was blown to hell. So this one makes no sense unless he supplied Nitro with the MGH (Mutant Growth Hormone) that enhanced his abilities. But we know that's not true as Wolverine took down the CEO of Damage Control who supplied Nitro with the "mutant juice." But now I'm just turning into some obsessive conspiracy theorist as Cobalt man was really just around to accuse Captain Marvel of being a Skrull.
We Still Don't Know Yet Skrulls..
Ms. Marvel- Revealed in Ms. Marvel # 24 & Captain Marvel-Revealed in Captain Marvel #3
Now Cobalt Man was brought in to accuse Mar-vell of being a Skrull and Ms. Marvel after she lost her powers is now reverted back to her Binary powers, so that's also questionable.
Skrulls Marvel Won't Tell You About...
The Revolutionary-Revealed in Avengers: The Initiave Annual #1
This is the first of two Skrulls revealed in the pages of Avengers: Initiative and noticeably missing from the spoilers page of marvel. You want to talk about bit skrull, this one takes the cake. This guy is apart of one of the Fifty States Initiative teams in Philadelphia, named The Liberteens. Now before I get into this goof's role, let me address this team's name in one word, corny, and most of the teens names and caricatures make them look and sound like they were created in a cheap American factory. When Marvel said that Skrulls were going to be apart of every team in America, they meant it. The Liberteens look like a cross between the Great Lakes Avengers, the X-Men, and add an ass ton of patriotism and boom!!! You got a team. The only relevance this Skrull has is who he contacts at the Avengers training base at Camp Hammond.
Crusader-Revealed in Avengers: The Initiative #9
This is my deduction and my deduction only but unless there is another Skrull hanging out around the Camp Hammond base then this is the guy who's making sure Skrulls are in place. Now the placement of these two Skrulls makes since as both seem to be apart or will be apart of initiative based teams. But not to do too much spoiling, but this Skrull's longevity is questionable and I'll leave it at that, because you should be reading Avengers.
Skrulls Who Failed Their Missions...
Elektra-Revealed in The New Avengers #31
Everyone and their momma knew that Elektra was gonna get wacked by Echo in this issue, but what threw me, and anyone else not searching for spoilers, for a loop was that the supposed Elektra reverted to a dead Skrull. Which has led to massive paranoia among the Avengers including the defections of Spider-Woman with the Skrull corpse, and Jessica Jones, and Doctor Strange just straight up leaving.
Blackbolt-Revealed in New Avengers Illuminati #5
Talk about left field, in the final issue of this book Blackbot goes all Skrully and with the help of two other skrulls, start beating the crap out of the Illuminati bunch. Now considering I had almost dropped this book an issue before, I'm glad I didn't because by the time this issue ended my jaw was dropping as the battle and eventual defeat of the Skrulls occurred. This book pretty much jump started Iron Man's silent paranoia and cause the group to disband.
Now, to wrap this segment up with a pretty little bow, if these people are Skrulls, then WHERE THE HELL ARE THE REAL HEROES/VILLIAN? Who's ruling the Inhumans and do they know that their King is missing? The Hand looked lost once they found out Elektra was a Skrull. The Marvels are still in the air of questionable Skrulls so I don't know. One thing for sure is that the secret invasion is in full effect.
Marvel wants you to play Skrull guess who. Marvel
Excelsior Bitches!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Previews 4 Comic Wednesday
Setting aside my sports/politics cap, reviews on some of the books I picked up and some random thoughts about some things I've noticed of late.
What I Got!!!
The New Avengers
Punisher: War Journal
Excelsior Bitches!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Catching Up!!
Uncanny X-men #495
Writing- 3 out 5
Monday, February 11, 2008
Reviews (Part 3)
This issue has the blind one ruthlessly searching for Mr. Fear for poisoning his wife and once again Ed Brubaker has constructed an emotional and gritty story as Daredevil goes off the deep end with a rage this side of the Hulk. He tortures and then beats the holy hell out of a member of the Enforcers, chokes a woman, and kicks a baby!!! He didn't kick a baby but you see where I'm going with this, Daredevil will do whatever he has to do to find Mr. Fear. The artwork throughout this story has been done very well, giving off that noiresque and violent feel that's been tradition since Frank Miller's revamp of the character.
Overall this story is a good, but the problem is that this arc should have ended an issue ago. This issue becomes the fifth part in a six story arc and to make me wonder more, Brubaker brings in the Hood to feud with Mr. Fear. Daredevil has been coming close to finding Mr. Fear for two issues now and then you insert the Hood. WTF!!! To be fair the Hood has been in the story since the fourth arc, and between Daredevil's vendetta against Mr. Fear, and Mr. Fear's need to peddle his new drug, I don't know where the Hood comes into play and that's my gripe. But getting past the Hood issue and its length, this was still a good read, that I'm sure will have an interesting ending.
Daredevil #104
Writing-3 out of 5
Art-5 out of 5
Overall- 3.5 out of 5
Got Monday?
Amazing Spider-Girl #17
Amazing Spider-Man #550
Black Panther #34
Captain Marvel #3
Civil War Chronicles #8
Dead of Night Man-Thing #1
Fantastic Four #554
Fantastic Four #554 (1 in 15) Bianchi Incentive Cover
Fantastic Four #554 (1 in 50) Suydam Incentive Cover
Fantastic Four The Lost Adventure
Ghost Rider #20
Iron Man Enter Mandarin #5
Marvel Comics Presents #6
New Avengers #38
New Exiles #2
Nova Annual #1
Punisher Force of Nature
Punisher War Journal #16
Spider-Man Family #7
Ultimate Iron Man II #3
Wolverine #62
X-Factor #28
X-Force #1
X-Force #1 Bloody Cover
X-Force #1 (1 in 25) Hitch Incentive Cover
Bat Lash #3
Booster Gold #0
Countdown to Final Crisis #11
Gotham Underground #5
Green Arrow Black Canary #5
Green Arrow Black Canary #5 (1 in 10) Incentive Cover
Green Lantern Corps #21
JLA Classified #52
Salvation Run #4
Simon Dark #5
Suicide Squad Raise the Flag #6
Superman #673
Wonder Woman #17
I've got Daredevil, Spidey, and X-Men reviews coming today so keep reading.
Excelsior Bitches!!
More Reviews from last week (Part 2)
We are nine issues into Avengers: Initiative, since the ending of Civil War, and I've got to say this is one of the first books I'm reaching for when I'm in the comic book shop. Avengers has been an exciting read from day one exhibiting the trails and tribulations young heroes in training go through, from killing for the first time, personal struggles, and questioning if the government should be taking kids from their homes to be trained(doesnt sound like democracy to me). As many marvel books gear up for the Skrull invasion, writers Dan Slott and Chris Gage don't slow down the pace as another Skrull is revealed and a former recruit takes their revenge on everyone.
This has been one of the better books that Marvel puts out thats been on time, hasn't deviated from its main plot, and has had many guest stars. Yes, the Avengers were apart of the post-Civil War hunt for the New Avengers, as Spider-Man schooled one of the new recruits and during World War Hulk, attempted to fight the pissed off green giant, and failed miserably. Once again they are joined by a Marvel character and this time it's a villian. The Taskmaster comes to the Avengers base to train them in strategy based combat situations. Slott and Gage do a good job of weaving three stories into one book as he reveals the next Skrull (wikipedia it, the guy is a scrub hero, not worth mentioning), brings back a deceased Avenger who seeks vengenece on all who caused his death, and then another sort of alien who comes to defend the Avengers from that menacing threat.
The artwork in this book isn't bad either as it blends the serious side of the training and rehabbing one of the kid's goes through after a tough mission, and the lighthearted side as another reveals her affections for another. These emotions, along with the intense action in this issuse are displayed vivedly through the artwork (done by Stefano Caselli). If you haven't picked up this book yet I recommend you do so.
Avengers: The Initiative #9
Writing-5 out of 5
Artwork-4 out 5
Sunday, February 10, 2008
More Reviews from last week
Ok, i'm doing some quick reviews for the books I picked up last week and then i'll get to this week's round. Boom!!!
The second annual of The New Avengers, wraps up storylines from World War Hulk and Civil War with The Avengers taking on the Hood's gann once again, but with more consequences. As this annual comes to an end, one Avengers quits the team and another jumps sides to the Mighty Avengers. This is the second annual for the Avengers since the new year has began and once again Brian Micheal Bendis has crafted a very fun story and making everyone wonder who is and isn't a skrull. Jessica Jones defects to the Mighty Avenger and due the strain of using his magic powers during World War Hulk, Doctor Strange leaves the team to re-educate himself in the ways of being a sorcerer. Leaving the Hood to once again escape. The story just ties up some loose ends, nothing major, a fun story that won't blow you away as it builds up to the upcoming Skrull Invasion. My only problem with this book was the artwork.
Now, the artwork isn't too bad, as Carlo Pagulayan takes the reigns from Leinil Francis Yu, but the mood of the story is to be dark and a little serious as the paranoia of the Skrull threat rises and with the purple (yes seriously) backgrounds and shadowing used, it doesn't come across as such. In two pages worth of panels when the Hood breaks into Tigra's room and assaults her, I would have have sworn Prince was her interior decorator. The purple totally takes away from the situation on this page, because I didn't wonder if the Hood, along with every other villain he broke out of prison watching, was going to shoot Tigra point blank in the head. I just kept thinking, somebody just needs to lay off the purple stuff.
The New Avengers Annual #2
Writing-3 out of 5
Art-2.5 out of 5- I can't get past all the danm purple!!!
Overall- 3 out 5- Reveal some Skrulls already nobody cares about Skrulls who are second rate heroes!!!!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Happy Friday!!
Execlsior Bitches!!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
New Releases this week
Amazing Spider-Man #549
Amazing Spider-Man #549 (1 in 20) Finch Incentive Cover
Anita Blake Guilty Pleasures #8
Anita Blake Guilty Pleasures #8 (1 in 10) Booth Incentive Cover
Annihilation Conquest #4
Clandestine #1
Lords of Avalon Sword of Darkness #1
Lords of Avalon Sword of Darkness #1 (1 in 10) Grummet Incentive
Marvel Illustrated Moby Dick #1
Moon Knight #15
Ms Marvel #24
Omega Unknown #5
Silver Surfer In Thy Name #4
Twelve #2
Uncanny X-Men #495
All New Atom #20
Batman Confidential #12
Countdown Special OMAC
Countdown to Final Crisis #12
Detective Comics #841
Green lantern Corps #20 (2nd Print)
Infinity Inc #6
Jonah Hex #28
Justice Society of America #12
Justice Society of America #12 (1 in 10) Incentive Cover
Metal Men #6
Nightwing #141
Supergirl #26
Teen Titans Year One #2
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Captain America is still dead in our hearts, but not in our comic books (Spoiler)!!!
The new Captain America is here and whether you like it or not the new guy doesn't do a bad impression of the deceased original. Let's give you the rundown, first the new Cap is Bucky; equipped with the a brand new, Tony Stark created uniform, the shield, and now he has a gun. For the purpose of this review I'm going to call him Bucky. Bucky is now working Shield, covertly, becuase he's still an unregistered super hero and Tony Stark can have no connection to him for that obvious reason. This book was all about re-introducing us to Bucky, not as the Winter Soldier, but as Captain America. So lets start the review.
The writing on this book was well crafted, as usual, when it comes to writer Ed Brubaker. We find Bucky donning the new Captain America suit for the first time and the Black Widow hot on the trail of the Red Skull who's making his move against the America. We find the Red Skull, with the help of ex-Soviet General, Alexander Lukin and his energy and financing corporations crushing the American economy. We find Lukin's corporations dramatically increasing the price of oil and foreclosing on thousands of mortgages around the U.S.. This in turn has led to numerous protest around the country. As the book progresses we find Bucky talking to the Black Widow, as he comes to terms with the fact that he is now Captain America. Before the book gets too heavy with Bucky's identity crisis A.I.M attempts to steal America's gold reserves and we are treated to a fight between the new Captain and his oldest enemies. Bucky and the Black Widow dispatch the terrorist with ease as Bucky uses the shield and his gun to subdue them. Brubaker, once again shows that Bucky is the new Captain America, but with a more vicious side, as he shoots the A.I.M terrorist in their legs as they try to attack. So the whole, "Captain America is packing heat" controversy makes since. Bucky knows and understands that he can't or won't try to be like Steve Rogers. His firearm is apart of him, like the shield was apart of Steve Rogers, he knows Steve would only want him to be true to himself, even if it means being a bit more brutal while fighting for justice. The ending to this book is what leaves me wanting more Captain America as Shield agents (under Faustus' mind control) shoot unarmed protesters in Washington D.C. and Bucky still on the hunt for the Red Skull.
With good writing, one would hope that the artwork is done just as well. That happens in this book as Steve Epting, creates a darker side of America that comes through in a very dramatic way. As Bucky goes through the transition of putting on the new Captain America suit, the visuals of man who's decision to replace the original pillar of American justice, still weighs heavy on him a bit. The artwork does a great job exhibiting the seriousness of this issue, along with the action scenes. This is my book of the week so go pick it up .
Captain America #34
Writing-5 out of 5
Art-5 out 5
Overall-5 out of 5
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Comics, Comics, Comics
Top book of the week and reviews later today!!!
Excelsior Bitches!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Books for Tomorrow
Daredevil #104
This arc is one of the best stories in the Marvel universe that has nothing to do with Secret Invasion or Civil War. While everyone is wondering who is or isn't a Skrull, looking for a Capt. America replacement, or making a deal with the Devil ( I won't let that go), Matt Murdock is fighting in Hell's Kitchen. Not only is Daredevil caught in between a super powered gang war, that's destroying Hell's Kitchen, but his wife is slowly losing her mind, due to being poisoned by Mister Fear. Which leaves the fearless one in a tough spot, hunt down Mister Fear to save his wife or stop the the gang war which is putting the city at risk. If your looking for a grittier Marvel hero and a good story pickup this book.
Captain America #34
Were you shocked at the death of Captain America. Did you find yourself rocking yourself to sleep, clutching your replica shield of justice. Well wipe your eyes friend because the Cap is back, sort of. With an Alex Ross cover, the new Captain America premieres with a gun and a new uniform. But the question is, who is the new Cap? If you've been reading this well crafted story from the time of Captain's death, you should already know who has the honor of being called Captain America. If you don't, then that's one of the reasons why you should pick up this book, plus the fact that the Red Skull is making his power play to attack the country.
Excelsior Bitches!!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Loads of Books!!
Amazing Spider-Man #546(2nd Print)
Avengers Initiative #9
Captain America #34
Captain America #34 Epting Cover
Captain America Chosen #6 Charest Cover
Captain America Chosen #6 Brewister Cover
Daredevil #104
Fantastic Four #553
House of M Avengers #4
Hulk #1 (2nd Print)
Marvel Spotlight Ultimates 3
Mighty Avengers #8
New Avengers Annual #2
Spider-Man Swing Shift Director’s Cut
Spider-Man With Great Power #1
Ultimate Secrets
Ultimate Spider-Man #118
Ultimate X-Men #90
What If?Spider Man vs Wolverine.
X-Factor #26(2nd Print)
X-Men Emperor Vulcan #
Zombie Simon Garth #3
Action Comics #861
Action Comics #861 (1 in 10) Incentive Cover
Batman #673
Black Adam the Dark Age #6
Countdown to Adventure #6
Countdown to Final Crisis #13
Death of the New Gods #5
Green lantern #27
JSA Classified #34
Spirit #13
Trials of Shazam #11
Later in the day I'll have news and a review of Young Avengers Presents: Patriot.
Excelsior Bitches!!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Didn't see that coming!!!! X-Men Review(Spoilers)
- Mike Carey (X-Men)
- Craig Kyle and Chris Yost (New X-Men)
- Peter David (X-Factor)
- Ed Brubaker (Uncanny X-Men)
But, the story leading up to the finale has been pretty powerful, especially if you read the X-Factor parts of the storied event. We find Cable is still alive and wants to raise the child, Rogue is still dead or in a coma from Strain 88, Layla Miller is either dead or stuck in a futuristic mutant concetration camp, and Mystique has killed Mr. Sinister. Considering the writing talent that Marvel had on this book, it would have been cooler if Brubaker or David got the ending for this arc. But, I understand that there was an idea of book sequencing going on, yet I really can't complain with the double-barreled writing of Kyle and Yost too much because this final issue was all about the action. If your looking for characters to get while mutant powers are being thrown all over the place and a giant mutant eating monster is bearing down on Marauders and X-Men alike then this issue isn't for you. The action explodes off of each page as artist Chris Bachalo captures the urgency and desperation every mutant has to either, protect or take advantage of the first mutant baby born since The House of M. Every body wants that child and the art gives more depth to the characters than the dialogue in this final story.
This brings me to the writing which, unfortunatly was shallow to be a final in an arc. To no fault of the writers though, because this book was nothing but a slug-fest. Everyone, including m There was really no way to give characters in this story too much to say when their either being hacked, slashed, shot at, or enter other random mutant power. However, if they had cut back on the action just a little bit and focused on the Cable/Cyclops and Rogue/Mystique familial ties this story would have been a bit deeper. Because of all the action going on it feels like Kyle and Yost toned down the dialogue and this makes the book suffer a bit. But, the ending saves this book from getting a low rating when you have Bishop, the turncoat, blasting Professor Xavier in the freakin' head!!!!! In the end Cyclops pronoouces that the X-Men are gone and that sets us up the next arc, Divided We Stand. In the end I really enjoyed this book, yes there is a lack of writing depth in the story, but the action and the good artwork makeup for a lagging ending.
X-Men #207
Writing-3 out of 5Artwork-4 out of 5
Overall- 4 out of 5
Morning News or In case you missed it..
- The Fantastic Four are all dressed up and ready to go. F4 Preview.
- Striking writers, make theirs Marvel. Marvel Signs With WGA.
- Superhero relationships, judt don't work, unless your the Richards. Another Avenger Split.
More news, later in the day, including, reviews of the final chapter of Messiah Complex and Young Avengers Presents: Patriot.
Excelsior Bitches!!!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Blockbuster and Lackluster (Spoilers)
Now that I've cleared that up, this is the third issue of the month for Amazing and after two issues of catching readers up on how Parker lives in this over the top pitiful,existence the story begins to pick up. However, not in a positve light, because by the time this issue is ends a theif may know that Peter is Spider-Man, Spidey is wanted by the cops on suspicion of murder, becomes a made man in a mafia family, and a new villian by the name of Mr. Negative takes his blood and has a connection to Aunt May.
This story is garbage plan and simple. Steve McNiven's artwork was at its best, as usual but don't try to sell be a pinto and tell me its rolls-royce. Don't get me wrong I really like Dan Slotts writing on the New Avengers: Initiative, the wrtiting flows with the characters and you really get to see these young superheroes revealed as to who they really are and still evolve. That doesn't happen here, this story from day one seemed forced with the idea of, let's see how much random pressure we can put on Spider-Man to gain some sympathy from the readers. That doesn't happen. By the time I finished reading this book I was longing for the pre-One More Day Spidey who had some serious problems, doubts, and fears, that were generated and came together over time. Plus, if your still reading New Avengers he's still in his black suit gearing up for the SECRET INVASION. But, I'm going to assume they will fix that with the New Avengers Annual coming out next week. No amount of fantastic artwork by Steve McNiven can save this book, and I want to make one thing clear, this story is not Dan Slott's fault, I understand these were the circumstances he was given to work with but there is now way to make this work.
The Amazing Spider-Man #548
Writing-2 out of 5
Art-4 out of 5
Overall-2 out 5
After that review I need a sandwich, another review will be up with the latest news later today.
Excelsior Bitches!!!
Some News Points
-I hope you like your teen titans with a hint of Terror.. [Newsarama]
-Joe Q on the Colbert Report Jan. 29?Colbert better give him the business. [Marvel]
I'll have some reviews on some of this weeks titles this afternoon...
Excelsior Bitches!!!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Even in Death The Cap Wins
Further Reflections on Black Super Heroes By The Penrod
Mr. Terrific (Michael Holt)
I am not going to talk about how Mr. Terrific is a fantastic example of a African-American super hero and how his racial identity is a big part of his character, because that is not the case. For every Black Panther, Luke Cage, and every other modern black super hero; there is only one “post-modern” black super hero and that is Mr. Terrific (and well Spawn, but his face is burned off anyway). His crusade is not defined by being black and his origin has nothing to do with being black; his character just happens to be of that race. Though it may seem that this lessens the characters impact but black comic book heroes are similar to a black sitcom on UPN or the WB; sometimes, it seems, that the characters do very little than perpetuate racial stereotypes. It is refreshing to see a unique black super hero.
Michael Holt’s Mr. Terrific, is a previous Olympic decathelete, has 14 Ph.Ds, and owned a firm called Cyberwear. It seems like overkill, attempting to take the black super hero out of the ghetto, but the concept is that he’s Batman without the initial tragedy of losing his parents. His story changes when his wife and unborn child die, not by murder, but by a car accident. Holt then contemplates suicide until he is met by the Spectre, a familiar of the original Mr. Terrific tells Holt of his now predecessor’s life story. Inspired, Holt chooses take up the mantle of Mr. Terrific, and later Chairman of the Justice Society. That’s where Batman and Mr. Terrific differ. Though both characters are born out of tragedy, Batman chooses to be a hero to avenge his parents while Holt chooses to be Mr. Terrific just because he feels he can make a difference. The real unique quality of Mr. Terrific does not come from his racial identity but his religious identity. In a universe that has angels (Zauriel) and God’s wrath (the Spectre), Mr. Terrific stands out as an atheist. This is as much a part of Mr. Terrific’s character as Daredevil’s Catholicism, but what separates the two is how unrelenting Mr. Terrific is even when faced with the supernatural. This is an excerpt from Infinite Crisis #5:
Ragman: And you still don’t believe in a god? Wasn’t the Spectre a member of the Justice Society?
Mr. Terrific: Before my time.
Ragman: What about guys like Deadman or Zauriel? And my own suit is made up of corrupted souls?
Mr. Terrific: A unique energy that could quantify as a telepathic discharge upon death.
Ragman: So you don’t believe in anything? You don’t have any faith?
Mr. Terrific: Of course, I do, Ragman. Got faith in my team.
The Penrod
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
A Warmup for New Book Wednesday
I won't hide the fact that I, like many other readers of the Web-head were very displeased with the outcome of OMD. Many fan reactions in forums and other blogs were to boycott the book and seems that the fan boy majority have spoken on how they want to read their Spider-Man. No disrespect to the new team doing this BND arc, but you got put in the middle of something that's unfair to you guys and the dedicated readers of the Spider-Man franchise. I know I'm going to catch heat for this, but I'm still buying the book right now to test out Joe Q's theory about bringing in new readers to the Spider-Man franchise. Once my mystery reader has a couple of issues we'll bust this Spidey myth wide open. New book day is right around the corner and I'll be posting reviews within the next few days.
Excelsior Bitches!!!
The Penrod's Reflection on Black Super Heroes
I figured since Fred’s Gunn has been focusing on African-American super heroes of notoriety due to Martin Luther King’s birthday, that maybe I should talk about a few that I feel people should be more aware of.
John Henry from Darwyn Cooke’s DC: New Frontier
John Henry’s costume is made of three elements: the characteristic hammers of his namesake, a black Ku Klux Klan uniform, and the noose that he was hung on. John Henry is not an in-continuity character in the DC universe, though loosely based off from the character Steel. John Henry is representative of the void of African-American super heroes in the early silver age; well before Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, or Rosa Parks. DC: New Frontier is what DC comics would have been in the late 50s if the comic code had not existed. If Leave It To Beaver or Andy Griffith are glossed over visions of the late 1950s world of Jim Crow, nukes, and Joseph McCarthy; then the reality of the silver age of comics would be New Frontier.
John Henry gets a total of 16 pages of the story, which is only three less than the Flash. His story is pretty simple, our introduction to him is his family’s lynching. We do not get to see what John Henry’s life was like before his family gets taken away from him but in a Batman sort of way it fits the story. From there we see his uprising against the Ku Klux Klan, dulling out justice by crushing KKK member’s skulls with a hammer. His story, unsurprisingly, ends tragically as he is captured by the KKK. The real tragedy is the terms in which he is captured. Shot and bleeding, John Henry crawls into an alley, only to be met by a little girl. Dying he asks the girl “Please child… help me. Hide me.” The little girl pauses and yells “He’s here! He’s here! The nigger’s over here!” This is the first time, and only time, that that particular word occurs in the entirety of New Frontier, including John Henry’s story. Obviously an artistic choice, the word is more jarring when it cements the character’s death and moreover comes from a child’s mouth.
John Henry’s story is not particularly deep or long at 16 pages, however the simplicity of the story allows for reaction and interpretation by the other characters. A few people when reviewing New Frontier have stated that John Henry seems to be a thinly veiled attempt at diversifying the heroes in the story and a superfluous addition as he has no direct interaction with any other major character. In truth, John Henry (or any black superhero in the 50s) would not be shaking Eisenhower’s hand along with Superman and Wonder Woman. His segregation from the rest of the characters is purposeful, and his crusade and death seems no less important to the characters than the main plot. Martian Manhunter seems to find a kindred spirit in John Henry as a fellow outcast. Lois Lane and Superman are shown appalled when Edward Murrow reports of John Henry’s demise.
If you have ever wondered what African-American super hero would be like during the early silver age, you should look no further than John Henry. If you have not read DC: New Frontier, I strongly suggest that you do.
The Penrod
Joker we hardly knew ye!!! Heath Leadger Dead!!
Updates in due time seducers!!!!
According to news reports the 28 year old actor was surrounded by pills in his apartment.
The actor had recieved praise from Dark Knight director Chris Nolan and his fellow actors for his role as the crazed criminal, The Joker.
As huge Batman fan, I'm still looking forward to this Batman film, but it be as fun knowing that Mr. Ledger will never be able to reprise his role, that some, including myself, believe that he's done a better job at portraying The Joker than acclaimer actor Jack Nicholson.
Rest in Peace dude, You were awesome in A Knights Tale
Heath "The Joker" Ledger
April 4,1979 - January 22, 2008
Updated, click the title for the full AP report.
Quick Bullet Points
I feel I should, at the very least, follow up with my introduction after "Fred's Gunn" did his. My name is The Penrod or just Penrod, this is not some clever obscure reference, it's just my last name. My plan is to post about once a week, as I am not nearly as fastidious as Gunn. My plan is to do more of an exegesis of the medium, as that is not a regular practice. I plan on starting easy and talk a little about whether or not Frank Miller may be a fascist, or at the very least if Dark Knight Returns is a fascist vision. For now, I will list my top ten writers.
The Penrod
Top 10 Writers:
1. Neil Gaiman
2. Geoff Johns
3. Grant Morrison
4. Alan Moore
5. Mark Millar
6. Jeph Loeb
7. Frank Miller
8. Mike Mignola
9. Joss Whedon
10. Brian Michael Bendis
Monday, January 21, 2008
A Reflection on Black Heroes Part Duex
Wrong King...Keep on scrolling for the conclusion of the black heroes
Black Panther
-Was the first modern black superhero.
-Originally got his start as a supporting character in the Fantastic Four.
-He Finally got his own book a year after Luke Cage. (1973)
-He's the King of Wakanda, and is the only supplier of vibranium. The same vibranium thats comprises Captain America's shield. Which proves again, if it were't for a brotha Captain America would still look like this..
-This makes him and Wakanda one of the wealthies countries on the planet.
-During the cease fire of the Civil War he married his childhood sweetheart, Storm, of the X-men.
-For more
- The first black female to have a lead or supporting role as a super heroine
-Prominent leader of the x-men.
-A total hottie who's one of the more powerful mutants in the X-men universe.
-She's been a prominent member of the Fantastic Four, and leader of the Morlocks.
-In film, the sexy Halle Barry played the role of Storm.
-She marries Black Panther and becomes Queen of Wakanda. Making them the second most powerful couple in the Marvel universe, behind Reed and Sue Richards.
-To get a little closer to Storm click here
For the Finale here are the honorable mentions for other black characters you should study up on.....
John Henry Irons
Bill Foster
John Stewart
Excelsior Bitches!!!
Oh Dont Kid Yourself Every Wednesday is Xmas!!!!
Amazing Spider-Man #548
Astonishing X-Men #24
Iron Man #25
Marvel Zombies 2 #4
Order #7
Punisher #54
She Hulk #25
Ultimate Fantastic Four #50
Ultimate Iron Man II #2
Ultimates 3 #2
Ultimates 3 #2 (1 in 20) Turner Incentive Cover
World War Hulk AfterSmash Damage Control #1
X-Men #207
X-Men #207 (1 in 10) Cheung Incentive Cover
X-Men First Class vol. 2 #8
Young Avengers Presents #1
Blue Beetle #23
Countdown Lord Havok & the Extremists #4
Countdown to Final Crisis #14
Countdown to Mystery #5
Crime Bible 5 Lessons in Blood #4
Detective Comics #839 (2nd Print)
Gotham Underground #4
JLA Classified #51
Legion of Super Heroes #38
Nightwing #139 (2nd Print)
Robin #169 (2nd Print)
Superman Batman #45
Superman Confidential #11
Teen Titans #55
Uncle Sam & the Freedom Fighters #5
Wonder Woman #16
Im looking forward to X-men #207, if your not reading the Messiah Complex then you are missing out some very good writing and action. Sure the story is in a ton of X-men books, but after House of M, I wasn't sure I wanted to read anything other than X-Factor. If you've been reading from the beginning then you know it hasnt slowed down. Ill be honest Ive not been feeling this Brand New Day gig with Spidey, but Im willing to read this book and spoil it for you die hard fans who are protesting this book....FIGHT THE POWER MY FRIENDS!!!!
A Reflection on Black Heroes
Luke Cage
-First appeared in Heroes for Hire #1 (1972)
-Created during the Blaxploitation era he was total badass.
-Yet his first uniform made him look like steroid popping Miss America contestant with his tiara and yellow muscle shirt.
-I don't think anybody in Harlem was actually afraid of him. Hey sunshine come and give me a hug. Here's the original Luke... Retro Luke
-He was later revamped, to this...The New Luke
-He then went on to do what any brother from the hood would do after becoming a famous Avenger, marry a white woman and have a baby that may possibly be alien.
-If you want the rest of his story jump this way... Luke Cage
Updates this afternoon....
Welcomes All Around
- Joss Whedon
- Mark Millar
- Frank Miller
- Ed Brubaker
- Matt Fraction
- Brian Michael Bendis
- J. Michael Straczynski
Ill start updating more later this morning, but for now its time to cuddle up in my Buffy blanket and watch some Angel.....(There is no Buffy Blanket nor cuddling but I will be watching Angel)
Excelsior Bitches!!!!